Viewing IP Connectivity

You can view on-line, read-only network diagnostic connectivity information on destination IP addresses configured in the Tel-to-IP Routing table (see Configuring Tel-to-IP Routing Rules).

The table is applicable only to the Gateway application.

To view IP connectivity status:
1. Enable alternative Tel-to-IP routing that is triggered by connectivity loss with destination. This is done by configuring the AltRoutingTel2IPEnable parameter to Enable or Status Only. For more information, see Alternative Routing Based on IP Connectivity.
2. Open the IP Connectivity table (Monitor menu > Monitor tab > VoIP Status folder > IP Connectivity).

IP Connectivity Table Description

Column Name


IP Address

Displays the destination IP address, which can be one of the following:

Destination IP address as configured in the Tel-to-IP Routing table.
Destination IP address resolved from the host name (FQDN) as configured in the Tel-to-IP Routing table.

Host Name

Displays the host name (or IP address) as configured in the Tel-to-IP Routing table.

Connectivity Method

Displays the method according to which the destination IP address is queried periodically by the device to check keep-alive connectivity status (SIP OPTIONS request). To configure the keep-alive mechanism, see IP Destinations Connectivity Feature.

Connectivity Status

Displays the connectivity status with the destination:

"OK": Remote side responds to periodic connectivity queries.
"Lost": Remote side didn't respond for a short period.
"Fail": Remote side doesn't respond.
"Init": Connectivity queries not started (e.g., IP address not resolved).
"Disable": The connectivity option is disabled, i.e., parameter 'Alt Routing Tel to IP Mode' (AltRoutingTel2IPMode ini) is set to None or QoS. For more information, see Alternative Routing Based on IP Connectivity.

Quality Status

Displays the QoS (according to packet loss and delay) of the destination:

"Unknown": Recent quality information isn't available.


The parameter is applicable only if the parameter 'Alt Routing Tel to IP Mode' is set to QoS or Both (AltRoutingTel2IPMode = 2 or 3).
The parameter is reset if two minutes elapse without a call to the destination.

Quality Info

Displays QoS information: delay and packet loss, calculated according to previous calls.


The parameter is applicable only if the parameter 'Alt Routing Tel to IP Mode' is set to 'QoS' or 'Both' (AltRoutingTel2IPMode = 2 or 3).
The parameter is reset if two minutes elapse without a call to the destination.

DNS Status

DNS status:

"DNS Disable"
"DNS Resolved"
"DNS Unresolved"